Conservation of
Sri Sumangala Building
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
History of Sri Sumangala Mansion

Sri Sumangala Mansion, which honours the memory of one of the founding fathers of our higher education system, Venerable Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thero, has long been a home for those who seek knowledge.
This building has been constructed under the guidance and leadership of Ven Welivitiye Soratha Thero as a noble attempt to contribute to the Sri Lankan higher education system. Designed by a popular architect called Lala Aditya by examining the buildings in India, special attention has been paid to keep the building well ventilated so that it can be occupied without a single air conditioner or a fan. The building blends perfectly with its Gangodawila surroundings and also has been equipped with a basement car park and an elevator from the time of its establishment.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences which accommodates Sri Sumangala Mansion is always committed to ensuring the wellbeing of its students. Hence, in order to facilitate a sustainable and conducive learning environment for our growing student population, this renovation project to preserve this historic building is of utmost importance.

About the conservation project
An urgent need has arisen to renovate and preserve the building as with time, considerable damage has caused irreversible deterioration of its structure.
The adjoining landscape surrounding the building needs to improve as it adds to the aesthetic value of this iconic structure.
The university has also reached out to the Urban Development Authority to obtain design consultancy for the renovation project. In order to maintain the reputable learning environment of this renowned seat of learning, we sincerely appreciate your financial support to renovate the building and expand campus facilities step-by-step.
How will we know it’s us without our past?
-John Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath-
Former initiatives to preserve the building
The university had previously sought assistance from the Sri Lanka Army but due to COVID-19 pandemic the matter did not receive their continuous engagement.

Our progress so far
The washrooms at the faculty have long been in need of renovation. Before the renovations completed, the washrooms lacked basic facilities seen in modern washrooms making their conditions unpleasant for regular use. This renovation project hence benefited both the students and the staff of the faculty.
Smart Classrooms is a technology-enhanced learning classroom that enhances the way of teaching and learning digitally. The classroom is integrated with digital displays, laptops, whiteboards, assistive listening devices, and other audio/visual components that make lectures easier, engaging, and more interactive to facilitate blended learning.
Renovation project plan
- External development including associated landscaping works of the Sumangala Building.
- Improvements to the entrance canopy and the main lobby area of the Sumangala Building.
- Renovation of the lobby areas and other common areas of all floors of the Sumangala Building.
- Renovation of department office spaces, conference spaces and study areas.
Previous requests to seek external support

“An urgent need has arisen to renovate and preserve the building as with time, considerable damage has caused irreversible deterioration of its structure. It is also suggested that improving the adjoining landscape surrounding the building will add to the aesthetic beauty and value of this iconic building.”
Senior Professor Sudantha Liyanage
Vice Chancellor
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

“ We are at a critical juncture as the iconic Sri Sumangala Mansion has long been in need of renovation to preserve it for our future generations and to continue our lifelong service of imparting knowledge and education. This project is essential to support and facilitate a conducive learning environment for our growing student population. Your generous support will make it possible for us to maintain our facilities in a sustainable manner.”
Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura