සුභාෂා දෙවන තරග වටය 2021 ජූනි මස 28 වන දින පැවැත්වුනු අතර, එයින් දෙවන වටය සදහා සුදුසුකම් ලැබූ සියලුම සිසුන් පිලිබද විස්තර …
තෙවන පෙරහුරු පරීක්ෂණය සදහා පිවිසෙන්න.
The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Humanities and Social Science Research published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University …
Workshop on YouTube for Video Hosting If you are an academic staff member of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Join with us at 10:30AM on 28th of May 2021 via Zoom. Meeting Credentials Meeting …
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has launched new web page for alumni which include general knowledge, Sinhala language and IQ based database as a needed feature for your future government examinations. In addition you will be able to …
වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා මෙහි ක්ලික් කරන්න